Crawford Electric

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License # EC13002649
Breaker Panel & Electrical Services in Jacksonville, FL

Is your home ready for the next generation of electronic accommodations and appliances? Depend on Crawford Electric for a complete suite of breaker panel and electrical services in Jacksonville to ensure that your home is up with the times. With more than three decades of combined experience, our team is here to ensure that your home is safe, secure, and equipped with the latest breaker panel technology.

Although the days of fuse boxes are long gone, many homeowners have yet to catch up with modern advancements in wiring and breaker panels. Even relatively current homes can still have worn-out breakers that trip much too easily. Contact our professionals to discuss the status of your electrical grid. We’ll be more than happy to explain what needs to be upgraded before you connect that computer or plug in that hot tub. Call today.

Breaker Panel Replacement

All homes with fuses require a panel replacement. Even modern panels featuring circuit breakers can wear out after 35-40 years. And remember: breaker panels are designed to function at specific amp levels. Therefore, if you need power beyond this capacity, a breaker panel upgrade is required for safe operation. After you reach out to us, we’ll perform a comprehensive inspection to inform you of the necessary steps for your panel replacement.

Simplifying Circuit Breaker Repair

Relying too heavily on one part of your panel can wear out the breaker, leading to subsequent problems. Worn switches simply cannot protect electrical infrastructure sufficiently. Rely on us to examine your system, diagnose any problems, and recommend repair or replacement.

Breaker Panels

Contact us today to request our breaker panel services in Jacksonville, FL. Our friendly and knowledgeable professionals proudly serve the people of Jacksonville, Ponte Vedra, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, and Atlantic Beach, FL.